This is a personal on-going Metroidvania project and currently NOT a playable game

Any small changes made on the project will be updated purely for testing purposes as well as player feels and feedbacks.

This is still in pre-alpha stage and the first upload includes partial player control only.


  • Move  ->  AD/Arrow Keys
  • Jump   ->  Space
  • Dash  ->  K
  • Doge   ->  
  • Wall Jump Direction  ->  WS/Arrow Keys
  • Reload Game  ->  T


  • Variable jump by holding space longer
  • Double Jump with space in air
  • Jump Down from both type of walls pressing down + space
  • Jump Away from slidable wall just pressing space (can perform wall-to-wall jump)
  • Leave Slidable wall just by moving opposite direction
  • Single wall jump with space + move 
  • Directional jumps on grabbable wall with wasd + space
  • All abilities are locked and unlocks by touching the orange box

The far right wall is grabbable and others are regular slidable walls

Player Friendly features:  Jump buffer, coyote time (platform and wall) and low terminal velocity.

Thank you for trying it out!! :)

Development log